Thursday, November 8, 2007

I'm Back

Apart from being lazy, I've been very busy this semester at Film School. I haven't been watching as many films as I like to but I have been making quite a few. As of now I made a total of 12 films, with me either as an actor, cameraman, director, etc. I'm currently working on my final film for production II class. Along with one from image design and a few more for optical printing. Anyway today as I was walking down the street trying to avoid working on my films I decided to go into "Borders". I only went because I knew the comic shop downtown was closed. So I went in looking for the New Issues of Giant Robot and AsianCultCinema.

Well I found them, and like always I was quite pleased with the new Issue of Giant Robot, and again disappointed in AsianCultCinema. The more I learn about film the more I learn that the guys who write AsianCultCinema magazines don't know what the hell they're talking about, and what they really like to do is look at nude Asian women. In the current issue of AsianCultCinema they have an interview with actress Maggie Q, and they just happen to have a pic of her topless there. Also in her interview they ask if she has any nude scenes in her upcoming film "The Tourist".

One thing I noticed about Giant Robot is that it's has a lot more adds then before, which I guess is a good thing because it means that people are reading the magazine and they get more money with more adds which means more magazines in the future. If you never read Giant Robot I say get on it. It's a magazine about asian pop culture with a stong focus on Asian American artist/art and culture experience. This is their 50th issue which is kinda a big thing for them considering their first magazine was made entirely by hand.