Sunday, October 25, 2009


a while ago i read something on my favorite blog (to which a link is found at the bottom of my blog). People who have blogs are slackers... or something to that effect. I'm not an exception when it comes to that.
Anyway i recently graduated from columbia college chicago, my major was cinematography. prior to graduation i took a trip to Korea becasue i was thinking of pursuing a career in the Korean film industry. I was offered a job but turned it down in order to graduate. When i returned with my degree the company had dissolved and no longer had a job waiting for me. I contaceted the few people i knew in the film industry, one of whom wanted to hire me but couldn't because my Korean is very limited. Now i found a job teaching english, trying to develop my Korean language abality (but have yet to really study) and hopefully after a year or two of teaching i'll then be able apply for a job in the film industry. So in the mean time this blog will be about my adventures in Korea. Granted some of the pics i might post will probably be a bit old since i recently broke my camera (i don't plan on buying a new one until November or December), on sports days at the school that i teach at.
In the meantime, read some of my old blogs and wait for new ones. If you have any comments pleas feel free to write them.!!!

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