Monday, August 13, 2007

Jade Warrior

One of the few films I picked up at the Convention over the weekend was Jade Warrior. Which I actually thouht was really good, good enough to earn a spot on my top ten list. Anyway, I had first heard about this film while reading an article on KFCCINEMA.COM that talked about a film being made between Finnland and China. Sounded interesting so I waited to hear something about it and I didn't hear anything. Luckaly I saw it at the convention and picked it up. I'm glad I did, the film is the not really orginal but the collaberation between the scandinavian country and China made this film seem like a breath of fresh air. The fight scenes are decent, nothing spectacular to get excited about. It's really one of the only down falls I found to the film, which to me seemed to try really hard to be the next Matrix. Which were done in that slow-mo effect and added in cgi to show the strenght of their movements by showing dust blow in the wind etc. The film stars Tommi Eronen (from Finnland), who plays a foreigner who goes to China to fight an evil force. His father was suppose to be an Asian man who went to a distant land and fell in love with a foreign woman. Anyway his farther was a blacksmith who made a devise called the "sampo" which could unlock "the oassis the human universe" but this evil force wants it to make it his own (basically he wants to form oassis as he wants which would be hell on earth). This evil force kills him and takes the box from him as he tries to open he finds out there is a saftey that would only allow his son to open the box. Kai/Santi (Tommi Eronen) is the only person who can defeat this evil. I forgot to mention that when he defeats his evil he will become enlightened and will no longer be reincarnated. He defeats the evil, but did not kill him, when he returns to the village of the woman he suppose to marry he finds out that she was in love with his best friend before she even met Santi. After he hears his love played by the very beautiful Jingchu Zhang (张静初) confess her love for his best friend he walks away. The evil then trickes him into opening the box only to find it empty. He puts the evil inside and locks him away, only to be reincarnated over and over in body not in mind, forgetting his purpose. The evil is released accidently by a scholar who know about the legend. The evil force is then released in our modern era. Knowing he can't open "oassis" with out santi he helps him remember his purpose and tricks him to open the box again revealing "oassis". By then Kai knows who he is and must fight the evil again before he brings hell to earth. I totally recommend this movie, the cinematography is nicely done and the soundtrack is beautiful.

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