Monday, May 21, 2007

Intro To Sheffy

Hey There people, I'm Sheffy Nice to meet you.

Hummm... What can I say about myself. Well, first I wanted to say I've first found out about "Blogger" through a girl I met once at University of Chicago. I often log on to read her Blog (, which is quite funny and interesting most of the time (actually quite often). After I read her blog a couple times I wanted to write my own. I joined a club that created a blog so I decided to start my own right after.

Okay back to me, I’m a student at Columbia College Chicago (future Cinematographer), and I take a few classes at Harold Washington College. I plan on retiring from film after I win my 10th "Oscar" where I'll decided to Teach at University of Chicago (also Harold Washington: maybe, as a part-timer), either Film Theory or Korean maybe both. That's when I plan I becoming known as a good filmmaker. Not because I would have won so many "Oscars" but because my students will start to have win "Oscars".

What else can I tell you?
I like Punk rock; I listen to bands like Alkine Trio, Ellegarden, and Thee Michelle Gun Elephant. Actually I listen to all types of music like MC 몽, EPIK HIGH, Gackt, K Dub Shine and others. I watch a lot of films (naturally since I'm a film student), usually a lot of Film from Korean (South Korea), Hong Kong and Japan. Well I don't know what else to tell you guys (if anyone's even reading). You'll get to know me better if you keep reading the blog, which I plan on doing often. If you want to know more about me go to, send me a message or even a friend request. If you do send a friend request send a message saying "blogger" or something like that otherwise I might not approve you. Also I never approve anyone who is set to private, unless you send me a message. Well thanks for listening and I'll talk to you guys later.

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