Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Long weekend 25, of May 2007 - 28, of May 2007

Well, Usually I have a lot to say and Last weekend being a holiday and a four-day weekend gave me a lot to say, and a lot more reading to do. Since I left my flash drive at home I had to google all the pics I'm about to post in this blog showed me a lot of sties I want to read. First off it game a lot of time to catch up on some movie watching.

The first movie I think I should mention is "28 Weeks Later", which I thought was a good film except for some of the filming in the beginning, which used a lot of hand held shots. At first I thought I was going to get a head ach form all the movement, but after they played the flash back scene it was pretty much over. They didn't come back to the hand held stuff till near the end of the movie with all in the tunnel. The only thing I really didn't believe about the movie was the access pass the farther had. Would the military really give a pass like that to a civilian? I think not. Other than that the rest of the film didn't bother me. Not even the scene when they were in a little sport car and they were speeding faster than an army attack helicopter.

The Only thing that really disappointed me was that I thought there would be more scenes with soldier’s. There wasn't enough for my liking, I actually thought the move would have more of a soldier’s perspective. Ya know, like soldiers saying "cover me, I'm gong in". Stuff like that, but there wasn't. Then most of the characters died off too soon, just when you were getting to know one and like another they ended up getting killed. As another person told me "I wasn't interested in these new survivors", really I wasn't either. I think the film would have been better if they showed the soldiers being bad Asses and shooting infected.

That's one thing I don't like about action movies with soldiers; one thing that I will have to change. You can't show soldiers being cowards. With all the training they go through and the weapons they have, you don't want to see a solider afraid. One example I can give is in ALIENS, with Bill Paxton's character. He's a marine, marines are known to be bad assess and he had a big ass machine gun. If that was me with a gun like that I wouldn’t have been afraid of an alien. I would have man(ed) up and went out shooting. Like the one lady in the group of grunts in ALIENS, who ended up blowing up. If you've seen the movie you know what I’m talking about. She was a real man, no offence intended.

The Next Film I saw was the new "Pirates" movie, which I thought was better than the second. You actually needed some back story to this one to know what was going on as to in the second one you didn't need to know. The only thing that I didn't like was that there was more than one "Jack Sparrow", in some of the shots. This was done I think because most of the audience from the first two didn't like seeing Jack talk to him self. Which was because he was crazy, in the third you saw either smaller versions of him self or full size that no one else saw but Jack. I think that took away from some of Johnny Depp's acting, I mean those who were smart enough already knew he was crazy and that he was talking to himself. I just don't think that was needed for the film and it insulted intelligent audience members.

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